Tuesday, December 28, 2010

i have a dream

Ah , i like the sound of instruments =)
Feel peace hearing of some musics played by instruments especially piano , they are great~!

I have a dream . I dream of performing on stage , where the light shed on me , wearing pretty nice dress , my ten fingers flexibly touching on the piano. Then , the melody flows , beautifully , to every corner they can reach .

It's also could be nice to be like this , i play my music on grassland , where there are birds sing sweetly accompany by my melody , flowers are everywhere , the blue sky twice as high . No audience , but play to the nature .

How about that , i play and sing to the kids , everywhere i can reach , whoever they are , poor or sick , i play to them . They sing along with me , dance in front of me , happily as the music go on , and never end .

^^ ....(keep dreaming....................................................)


  1. 如果一个人活着,没有梦,不是一件值得开心的事。听过一个讲座,讲师说,梦想就像是一座灯塔,我们会有走失的时候。但是梦想在哪里,就往哪里走去。

